World's Hairiest Girl Shaves Face After Marrying Love Of Her Life - MAINFO93


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January 05, 2018

World's Hairiest Girl Shaves Face After Marrying Love Of Her Life

World's Hairiest Girl Shaves Face After Marrying Love Of Her Life
Jan 4, 2018 2:21 PM
Worlds Hairiest Girl Shaves Face After Marrying Love Of Her Life Screen Shot 2018 01 04 at 10.54.14
Barcroft Media
A teenager who was once known as being ‘The World’s Hairiest Girl’ has shaved her face after marrying the ‘love of her life’.
17-year-old Supatra ‘Natty’ Susuphan from Bangkok, Thailand, suffers from the rare genetic condition Ambras Syndrome which is more commonly known as ‘Wereworlf Syndrome’.
Her condition means that she has excessive hair growth all over her body including her face which won her the Guinness World Record of hairiest girl in the world in 2010.
Worlds Hairiest Girl Shaves Face After Marrying Love Of Her Life Screen Shot 2018 01 04 at 10.57.56
Barcroft Media
With only a few people being known sufferers of the syndrome since the Middle Ages, as of today doctors have failed to find a cure.
Even laser treatment has been unable to put a complete stop to the hair growth and so Supatra just embraced it despite being called names at school including Wolf Girl and Chewbacca.
However as she told Guinness World Records this never got to her as her family and friends always supported her.
Aged 10-years-old, she said:
I don't feel any different to anyone else, and I've got lots of friends at school... Being hairy makes me special.
There were a few people who used to tease me and call me monkey face but they don't do it any more.
I'm very used to this condition. I can't feel the hair as it has always been like this. I don't feel anything.
It does sometimes make it difficult to see when it gets long. I hope I will be cured one day.
A decade on Supatra has now decided to start regularly shaving her face and body for the first time after getting married.
Worlds Hairiest Girl Shaves Face After Marrying Love Of Her Life Screen Shot 2018 01 04 at 11.13.48
Barcroft Media
After finding happiness with her unnamed husband at only 17, Supatra now chooses to shave her face and has been sharing photos of her new look on social media.
We wish her happiness in her future.
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