Amanda Black on life after Idols - MAINFO93


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January 05, 2018

Amanda Black on life after Idols

Amanda Black on life after Idols
Jan 5, 2018 9:11 AM
Amanda Black on life after Idols
Amanda recently sat with Channel 24 to discuss her life after idols.
AFTER a roller-coaster ride which included being eliminated from the Idols top 16 in 2015, Amanda Benedicta Antony (24), popularly known by her stage name, Amanda Black, is flourishing in the music industry. After leaving the popular singing competition, Amanda vowed it wouldn’t be the last time people see her and true to that, she is a force to be reckoned with in the industry.


Amanda says even though she got eliminated in the early stages of Idols, she is grateful that the competition gave her a platform to showcase her talent. “I gave it my all and it seems it wasn’t enough. With all that being said, I am thankful for the opportunity the show gave me.” She says she is glad she was eliminated from the show. Amanda says nobody likes to lose and even though she was really disappointed, it wasn’t the end of her music journey. “If I had won Idols, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It was a huge blessing in disguise for me not to win the competition. Honestly, if you take a look at some of the Idols winners
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