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July 05, 2017


God is great! New drugs to fight the virus (HIV), discovered and started serving in Kenya where within a short time since it can be used, demonstrated great success and bring comfort to the victims along with their brothers in the region of East Africa, including Tanzania.
Kenya has become the first country in Africa to begin to use the drug tablets which demonstrated great effectiveness of antiviral Stop breeding with ikiviua as is already present in the body and thus improve and prolong the lives of thousands of people suffering from opportunistic infections and which does not accept other treatments.

According to one doctor who spoke to this newspaper on condition of kutoandikwa name newspaper, Dolutegravir or Tivicay which is the name of the business, is prescription pills which until now is described to have a great ability to fight HIV (HIV), after start used in the United States in 2013 and showed great success.
"Effective his professional you mentioned that is because there is the group of" integrase inhibitors "which interfere with the breeding system and frustrate the virus completely," said the doctor and continue to define.
Usually, a person gets HIV, the virus goes through all seven steps before producing many other viruses. These steps begin with the virus attaches itself to one of the cells that protect the body. Subsequently, they invent the virus membrane to cover the cells that protect the body, then kinajipenyeza until deep cells.

The third stage, containing the virus into cells, cells You alter it to suit it everything genes (DNA), technically called 'reverse transcription'. Subsequently, the virus that produces integrase catalytic kinachokiwezesha penetration to the nucleus of cells and for using existing cellular genes in the cell, the virus starts to produce a specific protein (HIV-Protein) in bulk.
This protein, then Combined with the recipe called protease produced by a virus present body, turns into a virus of new and eventually rises out of cells vilikozalishwa, and they start attacking other cells in the same system and lead to faster breeding virus into the body to be very large.
"Dolutegravir does to the body, prevents the production of a catalyst integrase from the virus exists within the cells, thereby inhibiting the virus using genetic cells produce HIV-Protein, thus automatically becomes mangled quite form of the virus to reproduce, while at the same time also ikikidhoofisha virus exists within the cells, "said the doctor.
In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended DTG be the first choice for adults and adolescents, but until recent days people living with HIV in a country like Kenya, were unable to get the drugs due to its scarcity.
There are reports that there are some Tanzanians go to Kenya to observe these drugs to use as fuel because they have heard from those who use them, which makes most of the sides to sit leg, straight leg monitor.
Dk. Godfrey Chale who had worked for Allied National Hospital, told this newspaper, said the drugs to arrive in the country but stems from research conducted in Kenya.

Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health, Social Development, Social Welfare, Gender, Elderly and Children, Dr. Hamis Kigwangallah

God is great! New drugs to fight the virus (HIV), discovered and started serving in Kenya where within a short time since it can be used, demonstrated great success and bring comfort to the victims along with their brothers in the region of East Africa, including Tanzania.
Kenya has become the first country in Africa to begin to use the drug tablets which demonstrated great effectiveness of antiviral Stop breeding with ikiviua as is already present in the body and thus improve and prolong the lives of thousands of people suffering from opportunistic infections and which does not accept other treatments.

According to one doctor who spoke to this newspaper on condition of kutoandikwa name newspaper, Dolutegravir or Tivicay which is the name of the business, is prescription pills which until now is described to have a great ability to fight HIV (HIV), after start used in the United States in 2013 and showed great success.
"Effective his professional you mentioned that is because there is the group of" integrase inhibitors "which interfere with the breeding system and frustrate the virus completely," said the doctor and continue to define.
Usually, a person gets HIV, the virus goes through all seven steps before producing many other viruses. These steps begin with the virus attaches itself to one of the cells that protect the body. Subsequently, they invent the virus membrane to cover the cells that protect the body, then kinajipenyeza until deep cells.

The third stage, containing the virus into cells, cells You alter it to suit it everything genes (DNA), technically called 'reverse transcription'. Subsequently, the virus that produces integrase catalytic kinachokiwezesha penetration to the nucleus of cells and for using existing cellular genes in the cell, the virus starts to produce a specific protein (HIV-Protein) in bulk.
This protein, then Combined with the recipe called protease produced by a virus present body, turns into a virus of new and eventually rises out of cells vilikozalishwa, and they start attacking other cells in the same system and lead to faster breeding virus into the body to be very large.
"Dolutegravir does to the body, prevents the production of a catalyst integrase from the virus exists within the cells, thereby inhibiting the virus using genetic cells produce HIV-Protein, thus automatically becomes mangled quite form of the virus to reproduce, while at the same time also ikikidhoofisha virus exists within the cells, "said the doctor.
In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended DTG be the first choice for adults and adolescents, but until recent days people living with HIV in a country like Kenya, were unable to get the drugs due to its scarcity.
There are reports that there are some Tanzanians go to Kenya to observe these drugs to use as fuel because they have heard from those who use them, which makes most of the sides to sit leg, straight leg monitor.
Dk. Godfrey Chale who had worked for Allied National Hospital, told this newspaper, said the drugs to arrive in the country but stems from research conducted in Kenya.

Minister of Health of Kenya, Dr. Cleopa Mailu

He said such study was ever done Allied and involve some of the police, but did not know where it ended he advised ministers ask them involved with the ministry of health.
Alipotafutwa Minister of the Ministry of Health, Social Development, Social Welfare, Gender and Children's elders, Ummy Master could not be found yesterday to discuss the drugs used and the neighboring countries like Tanzania has any plan to inject the drug in the country.
But he potafutwa his deputy, Dr. Hamis Kigwangallah by phone, his phone received and I called out without even being used text messages to be asked, he answered.
Speaking at a meeting of journalists in Nairobi on Wednesday, Dr. Peter Muu, who is head of the department of health policy and planning in the Ministry of Health of Kenya, said the new drug has many side effects for patients living with HIV and the risks of the drugs become resistant.
He said the DTG is good since it has very little effect comparison to other drugs.
And Deputy Director of Health Services, Ministry of Health Kenya, Dr. Martin Sirengo, he was happy when he talked about the new treatment. However, he said the challenge ahead is still availability.
"We have a challenge that is not available from commercial to be able to provide them with all victims treatment. It is a new medicine that its production will take time and we started slowly. Second are changing from treatment are given three tablets each day which is a simple infinite combinations to one pill, "said Dr. Sirengo
"I had a problem of routine lack of appetite, but now my desire to eat is back, my body is working properly, nainuka bed, either God really great," said a resident of Nairobi, Ogutu brother spoke to the Institute Reuters Foundation.
Ogutu began using the drug this year because other treatments were not zinamfaa. Ogutu, who has lived with HIV for 15 years, said the level of HIV in his body has declined significantly from 450,000 to 40,000 virus since he began taking the drug.
Countries south of the Sahara have always been very zikiathiriwa with HIV for decades and nearly three quarters of the population have HIV and AIDS.
"The United Nations AIDS (UNAIDS) aims to have 90 percent of people who are diagnosed with HIV should have received the same drugs by 2020. About 15 percent of HIV patients can not be treated because drugs do not work on their bodies," said Sylvia Ojoo Director of the School of Health of the University of Maryland in Kenya, who oversees drugs such

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